Primary & Middle Schools Celebrate HBCUs

Primary & Middle Schools Celebrate HBCUs

Primary & Middle Schools Celebrate HBCUs With Decorated Doors

This year, we were excited to launch the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Door Decorating initiative, an opportunity to celebrate the rich history and contributions of HBCUs, which have long provided opportunities for academic excellence and leadership. The initiative was done in both the Middle and Primary Schools.

In the Middle School, each of the six houses was responsible for decorating three doors (one HBCU for each door). During long advisory periods in February, houses worked together to research their three HBCUs and plan what they wanted to feature, using the following guidelines:

  • What is the history of this HBCU? (Founding year, location, and why it was established)
  • What are the school colors and mascot?
  • Who are some famous alumni from this HBCU?
  • What are the key academic programs and traditions of the school?
  • How has this HBCU contributed to society or a specific field?

Students split into different roles; some did research, while others focused on planning out the content and making the doors come to life. By selecting an HBCU, researching its legacy, and designing a creative door display, students developed early awareness of higher education opportunities, the importance of inclusivity in learning, and a deeper appreciation of what it means to be in an international school in the United States.  

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By the end of February, the doors were ready to be judged. Congratulations to Berani and Mahi Tahi, who had the highest scores!

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At the Primary School, the HBCU door initiative was used to educate the students on the importance of representation, as exposure to diverse histories and pathways are essential in shaping our students' understanding of the world. As the doors were decorated in both February and March (Black History and Women's History Months, respectively), teachers also focused on highlighting famous alumnae from their specific institutions. This allowed our youngest learners a chance to see and celebrate institutions that have empowered generations of scholars, activists, artists, and professionals.

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We are grateful to all the teachers, staff, and even some parents who took the time to help with this initiative, and hope to continue it in the future!