Destination WIS | Support | WIS

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We hope all members of the WIS community will join us in this transformative endeavor. While our success will depend on WIS families—current and past—who are able to provide multi-year, leadership support via the Annual Fund and one or both of the campaign’s other priorities, there are many ways to support Destination WIS. Our goals are ambitious, and support at any level makes a huge difference.

Any gifts made to facilities, any financial aid endowment fund, and/or the Annual Fund between the public launch on May 19, 2023 and the conclusion of the campaign in June 30, 2026 will be counted toward our goal!

Together, we can sustain our exemplary learning community for continued success in the years and decades to come. If you have questions or want to learn more about supporting the campaign, including opportunities for multi-year commitments and other options for support, please contact Director of Advancement Marisa Alford.

If you are interested in making a pledge to Destination WIS, please contact Director of Advancement Marisa Alford.

If you are interested in making a gift via stock or wire transfer, please email Associate Director of Advancement Gerad Teague at for instructions on how to do so.

Keep in mind: Donating appreciated securities, which the donor has owned for more than one year, provides greater tax benefits to the donor than giving cash. The donor can not only deduct the full market value of the securities, but also avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation.


WIS welcomes contributions made via donor-advised funds (DAFs). In recent years DAFs have become an increasingly common vehicle for charitable giving—the fastest-growing form of philanthropy today, according to a 2021 study by the National Philanthropic Trust. DAFs are individual charitable investment accounts established via a donor's irrevocable contribution to a public charity, like Vanguard Charitable or a community foundation. Donors can then recommend grants from their account to nonprofit organizations of the donor’s choosing.

DAFs can offer several benefits:

  •     Contributions to a DAF are eligible for immediate tax deduction, even if the funds are not disbursed right away. Donors have the flexibility to make gifts on their own schedule—and have the option to invest DAF funds and let them grow tax free until disbursement. Unlike private foundations, DAFs typically do not have a minimum annual distribution.
  •     Donors can contribute appreciated securities directly to a DAF, without paying capital gains tax which would have been incurred had they sold the securities prior to transfer. DAFs are also not subject to estate taxes.
  •     DAFs also offer administrative convenience, particularly for donors who support a wide range of charities, by consolidating statements and performing due diligence on eligible recipients. Likewise, setup is generally easy and costs low.

The above material is for informational purposes only. Always consult a qualified tax professional regarding your specific situation.

Did you know you can make a gift to the campaign that would cost you nothing today? If you’re interested in learning more about making a bequest or other planned gift to WIS, please contact Director of Advancement Marisa Alford.
Find out more about QCD giving HERE.